We are officially half way through our week!!
It's hard to believe that! This week has absolutely flown by. But at the same time, we feel as though we've done so much and have been here forever!
This morning started out just like every other morning so far. 5 AM prayer.
It has been such a great way to start the morning. Despite being tired. We have seen the hand of God move because of our dedication and time in the morning.
After prayer, breakfast, and maybe a quick nap we were off to our first ministry site.
Upon arriving at the church students and translators began painting, cleaning, and reorganizing the children's wing.
We worked for about 2 or 3 hours.
Around 11 a group of 7 of us, some natives of Texas, other from UBC went on a visitation.

The woman in the visitation was a newly wed, and was also expecting a baby!!
We prayed for her, and we prayed for her marriage as her husband had not yet made a decision to follow the Lord.
After the visit it was back to church for lunch.
We ate lunch, and then we practiced a little bit for the Wednesday evening service.
Siesta was waiting for us as we arrived back at the hotel.
Wednesday, on the Harvest Trips is mandatory nap day. Joel, our leader, said he's been on many trips and Wednesday is a key day, and fatigue and tiredness begins to set in, so he requires everyone at least try to take a nap.
I am writing this first half of the blog entry in a dark room with two sleeping students. One of which assured me he would lay still for an hour but, and I quote, "Nick, I guarantee I won't fall asleep." Two hours later he is snoozin' like a baby!!
After our siesta we went to the church's Wednesday night service.
Pastor Joel preached.
We had a part of the service as we performed a drama that we performed this week. Also Jessica and Kenzie shared somethings God has done in their lives. It was very powerful!
Take a look at the video from the performance and pictures on our
flickr stream!!